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  • Kern, A. and Ott, T. and Stoop, R. Source separation by atomic signal decompositions, Proc. of the 14th Workshop on the Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES) 77-80, 2006
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  • Lichtsteiner, P. and Delbruck, T. and Posch, C. A 100dB dynamic range high-speed dual-line optical transient sensor with asynchronous readout, 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006), 2006
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  • Linares-Barranco, A. and Cascado, D. and Jimenez, G. and Civit, A. and Oster, M. and Linares-Barranco, B. Poisson AER Generator: Inter-Spike-Intervals Analysis, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2006) 3149-3153, 2006
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  • Martignoli, St. and Kern, A. and Stoop, R. Response of the Hopf cochlea to complex input sounds, Proc. Int. IEEE Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2006 500102, 2006
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  • Nufer, Stephan K. and Buehlmann, Mathias and Delbruck, Tobi and Joller, Josef A mixture of experts for learning lighting control, Proceedings from the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence (AITAmI'06), 2006 pdf
  • Ott, T. and Christen, M. and Stoop, R. An unbiased clustering algorithm based on self-organisation processes in spiking networks, NDES 2006, Dijon, France, Proceedings of NDES: 143-146, 2006 pdf
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  • Ott, T. and Stoop, R. The Neurodynamics of Belief Propagation on Binary Markov Random Fields, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS '06, 2006
  • Patino, L and Chakarov, V and Schulte-Mönting, J and Hepp-Reymond, M-C and Kristeva, R Oscillatory cortical activity during a motor task in a deafferented patient, Neuroscience Letters, 401: 214-218, 2006 pdf
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  • Stoop, R. and Martignoli, St. and Wagner, C. Optimization at work in the cortex: Limit cycle computation, minimization of the Total wiring length, and architectural computational classes, Proc. Int. IEEE Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2006 500106, 2006
  • Stoop, R. and Ott, Th. Towards a quantitative theory of biocomputation, Proc. Int. IEEE Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2006 500101, 2006
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  • Szabo, M and Deco, G and Fusi, S and Del Giudice, P and Mattia, M and Stetter, M Learning to attend: modelling the shaping of selectivity in infero-temporal cortex in a categorization task, Biological Cybernetics, 94:(5) 351-365, 2006 pdf
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  • Christen, M. and Ott, T. and Kern, A. and Stoop, N. and Stoop, R. Periodic economic cycles: the effect of evolution and control, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2005/11: P11013, 2005
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  • Grover, D. and Delbruck, T. and King, M. An eye tracking system using multiple near-infrared channels with special application to efficient eye-based communication, Thirteenth European Conference on Eye Movements ECEM13 36-39, 2005
  • Hardy, Y. and Steeb, W.-H. and Stoop, R. Genetic Algorithms, Floating Point Numbers and Applications, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2005 pdf
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  • Indiveri, G. VLSI reconfigurable networks of integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-timing dependent plasticity, The Neuromorphic Engineer Newsletter, 2:(1) 4,7, 2005
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  • Kern, A. and Nagy, O. and Stoop, R. Sparse time-frequency analysis of speech signals, IEEE Conf. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2005 545-548, 2005
  • Kern, A. and Stoop, R. and Göpfert, M.C. and Smirnov, D.A. and Bezrucko, B.P. Signal processing in insect hearing organs, Proc. European IEEE Conference on Circuit Theory and Design ECCTD 2005 paper no. 320, 2005 pdf
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  • Lichtsteiner, P and Delbruck, T 64x64 Event-Driven Logarithmic Temporal Derivative Silicon Retina, 2005 IEEE Workshop on Charge-Coupled Devices and Advanced Image Sensors 157-160, 2005
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  • Liu, S-C. and van Schaik, A. An AER Ear, The Neuromorphic Engineering Newsletter, 2:(1) 11-12, 2005
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  • Ott, T. and Dauwels, J. and Stoop, R. Sequential Clustering by Loopy Belief Propagation, Proceedings of ECCTD '05, Cork. Paper No 328, 2005 pdf
  • Ott, T. and Frey, M. and Stoop, R. Criticality and Computation in Random Threshold Networks with Noise (Criticality in Random Boolean Networks), NOLTA 2005, Bruges, Belgium 549-552, 2005 pdf
  • Ott, T. and Kern, A. and Steeb, W.-H. and Stoop, R. Sequential Clustering: Tracking Down the Most Natural Clusters, Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experiment doi:10.1088/1742-5468/2005/11/P 11014, 2005 pdf
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  • Serrano-Gotarredona, R. and Oster, M. and Lichtsteiner, P. and Linares-Barranco, A. and Paz-Vincent, R. and Gómez-Rodríguez, F. and Kolle Riis, H. and Delbrück, T. and Liu, S. C. and Zahnd, S. and Whatley, A. M. and Douglas, R. and Häfliger, P. and Jimenez-Moreno, G. and Civit, A. and Serrano-Gotarredona, T. and Acosta-Jiménez, A. and Linares-Barranco, B. AER Building Blocks for Multi-Layer Multi-Chip Neuromorphic Vision Systems, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 18: 1217-1224, 2005 pdf
  • Steeb, W.-H. and Stoop, R. Bell-CHSH inequality and Genetic Algorithms, International Journal of Modern Physics C(In press), 2005
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  • Stoop, R. and Kern, A. and van der Vyver, J.-J. How ears go electronic, Proc. IEEE Conference on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2005, 2005
  • Stoop, R. and Martignoli, S. Information coding, processing and transport by means of phase-coupled neurons, Proc. IEEE Conf. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications NOLTA 2005 541-544, 2005
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  • Sun, Y. and Graetzel, C.G. and Fry, S.N. and Nelson, B.J. A MEMS Micro Force Sensor for Drosophila Flight Characterization, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR, 2005 pdf
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  • Arthur, B. and Stoop, R. Drosophila.m where normal males tend to be female, and the supermachos are fruitless, Proceedings of the NOLTA 2004, Fukuoka, 2004
  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. A neuromorphic selective attention architecture with dynamic synapses and Integrate-and-Fire neurons, Proceedings of Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2004), BIS2.2: 1-6, 2004 pdf
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  • Bermudez i Badia, Sergi and Verschure, P.F.M.J. A Collision Avoidance Model Based on the Lobula Giant Movement Detector Neuron of the Locust, Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'04) p.1757, 2004 pdf
  • Betsch, B.Y. and Einhäuser, W. and Körding, K.P. and König, P. The World from a Cat's Perspective - Statistics of Natural Videos, Biological Cybernetics, 90:(1) 41-50, 2004 pdf
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  • Verschure, P The cognitive development of an autonomous behaving artifact: the self-organization of categorization,sequencing, and chunking, Prerational Intelligence: Adaptive Behavior and IntelligentSystems without Symbols and Logic, 2: 469-488, 2000
  • Von Stein, Astrid and Chiang, Carl and König, Peter Top-down processing mediated by inter-areal synchronization, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97: 14748-14753, 2000 pdf
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  • Simkus, C.R.L and Stricker, C Characterisation of Synaptic Transmission Between Pairs of Neurons in Layer II of the Rat Barrel Cortex, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25:(399.12) 993, 1999
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  • Ulrich, D and Stricker, C Dendrosomatic Voltage and Charge Transfer in Rat Neocortical Pyramidal Cells, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25:(691.7) 1740, 1999 pdf
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  • Rasche, C. and Douglas, R. and Mahowald, M. Characterization of a Pyramidal Silicon Neuron, Neuromorphic Systems: Engineering Silicon from Neurobiology 169-177, 1998 pdf
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  • Ahmed, B. and Allison, J.D. and Douglas, R.J. and Martin, K.A.C. An intracellular study of contrast-dependence of neuronal activity in cat visual cortex., Cerebral Cortex, 7: 559-570, 1997 pdf
  • Ahmed, B. and Anderson, J. C. and Martin, K. A. C. and Nelson, J. C. A Map of the synapses onto layer 4 basket cells of the primary visual cortex of the cat., Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 380(2): 230-42, 1997 pdf
  • Buhl, E. H. and Tamas, G. and Szilagyi, T. and Stricker, C. and Paulsen, O. and Somogyi, P. Effect, number and location of synapses made by single pyramidal cells onto aspiny interneurones of cat visual cortex., Journal of Physiology, 500(Pt 3): 689-713, 1997 pdf
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  • Indiveri, G. and Verschure, P. F. M. J. Autonomous vehicle guidance using analog VLSI neuromorphic sensors, Proceedings Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN97: Lausanne, Switzerland, 1327: 811-816, 1997 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. Winner-take-all networks with lateral excitation, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 13:(1/2) 185-193, 1997
  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic Systems For Industrial Applications, Proc. Int. Body Engineering Conference & Exposition, 1997
  • Kramer, J. and Sarpeshkar, R. and Koch, C. Pulse-based analog VLSI velocity sensors, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 44:(2) 86-101, 1997 pdf
  • Meskenaite, V. Calretinin-immunoreactive local circuit neurons in area 17 of the cynomolgus monkey, Macaca fascicularis., Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 379(1): 113-32, 1997
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  • Sarnthein, J. and von Stein, A. and Petsche, H. and Rauscher, F. and Shaw, G. Persistent patterns of brain activity: An EEG coherence study of the positive effect of music on spatio-temporal reasoning., Neurological Research, 19: 107-116, 1997 pdf
  • Schindler, K.A. and Bernasconi, C.A. and Stoop, R. and Goodman, P.H. and Douglas, R.J. and Martin, K.A.C Irregular Spike Patterns Produced by Periodic Inhibition of Regularly Firing Rat Neocortical Neurons, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23: 397.5, 1997
  • Schindler, K.A. and Bernasconi, C.A. and Stoop, R. and Goodman, P.H. and Douglas, R.J. Chaotic Spike Patterns Evoked by Periodic Inhibition of Rat Cortical Neurons, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 52a: 509-512, 1997
  • Steeb, W.-H. and Stoop, R. Exact complexity of the logistic map, International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 36: 943, 1997
  • Stoop, R. and Bunimovich, L.A. On a network of rat cortical rat neurons transmitting periodic messages, IEICE Proceedings NOLTA97 170, 1997
  • Stoop, R. and Radons, G. From the routes to chaos to spatially extended systems, Physics Reports, 290: 3, 1997
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  • Ulrich, D. and Huguenard, J. R. GABAa receptor-mediated rebound burst firing and burst shunting in thalamus., Journal of Neurophysiology, 78(3): 1748-51, 1997
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  • Verschure, P. F. M. J. and König, P. Investigating a modulatory system for the synchronization of cortical activity, Swiss Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1997
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  • Ahmed, B. and Anderson, J. C. and Douglas, R. J. and Martin, K. A. C. and Nelson, J. C. The inhibitory innervation of spiny stellate cells of layer 4 of the cat visual cortex., Journal of Physiology, 495: 61P, 1996
  • Ahmed, B. and Anderson, J.C. and Douglas, R.J. and Martin, K. A. C. and Nelson, J. C. Estimates of the major excitatory innervation on apical dendrites of layer 5 pyramids within layer 4 of cat visual cortex., Journal of Physiology, 494: 15P, 1996
  • Allison, J.D. and Ahmed, B. and Anderson, J.C. and Douglas, R.J. and Martin, K.A.C. Contrast gain control in neurons of the cat primary visual cortex: input-output analysis, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22: 1705, 1996
  • Cowan, A. I. and Martin, R. L. Ionic Basis of the Membrane Potential Responses of Rat Dorsal Vagal Motoneurones to HEPES Buffer., Brain Research, 717: 69-75, 1996
  • Douglas, R. and Mahowald, M. Design and fabrication of analog VLSI neurons, Methods in Neuronal Modelling: From Synapses to Networks, 1996
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  • Liu, S-C. Silicon model of motion adaptation in the fly visual system, Proceedings of the 3rd UCSD-Caltech Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, 6:(1) 1-10, 1996
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  • Petsche, H. and von Stein, A. and Filz, O. EEG aspects of mentally playing an instrument., Cognitive Brain Research, 3: 115-123, 1996
  • Radons, G. and Stoop, R. Phase transitions in the generalized thermodynamical formalism of superpositions of multifractals, Journal of Stat. Physics, 82: 1063, 1996
  • Sarpeshkar, R. and Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Koch, C. Analog VLSI architectures for motion processing: from fundamental limits to system applications, Proceedings of the IEEE, 84:(7) 969-987, 1996
  • Steeb, W.-H. and van Wyk, M.A. and Stoop, R. Logistic Equation and Invariants, South African Journal of Science, 1996
  • Stocker, A. and Sipilae, O. and Visa, A. and Salonen, O. and Katila, T. Stability Study of Some Neural Networks Applied to Tissue Characterization of Brain Magnetic Resonance Images, International Conference on Pattern Recogintion 96, 1996
  • Stoop, R. and Steeb, W.-H. Asymmetric Bats Characterize Universality in Parallel Iteration, Europhysics Letters, 35: 177, 1996
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  • Stratford, K.J. and Tarczy-Hornoch, K. and Martin, K.A.C. and Bannister, N.J. and Jack, J.J.B. Excitatory synaptic inputs to spiny stellate cells in cat visual cortex., Neuropsychologia, 382:(6588) 258-261, 1996 pdf
  • Stricker, C. and Field, A. C. and Redman, S. J. Changes in Quantal Parameters of EPSCs in Rat CA1 Neurones in vitro After the Induction of Long-Term Potentiation., Journal of Physiology, 490: 443-454, 1996
  • Stricker, C. and Field, A. C. and Redman, S. J. Statistical Analysis of Amplitude Fluctuations in EPSCs Evoked in Rat CA1 Pyramidal Neurones in Vitro., Journal of Physiology, 490: 419-441, 1996
  • Ulrich, D. and Huguenard, H. R. g-Aminobutyric Acid Type B Receptor-Dependent Burst-Firing in Thalamic Neurons: A Dynamic Clamp Study., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93: 13245-13249, 1996
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  • Liu, S-C. and Boahen, K. Adaptive retina with center-surround receptive field, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 8: 678-684, 1995
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  • Verschure, P. F. M. J. and Wray, J. and Sporns, O. and Tononi, G. and Edelman, G.M. Multilevel analysis of classical conditioning in a behaving real world artifact., Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 16: 247-265, 1995


  • Delbrück, T. and Mead, C.A. Analog VLSI adaptive logarithmic wide-dynamic-range photoreceptor, Procedings of the International Circuits and Systems Meeting, 1994
  • Douglas, R. J. and Mahowald, M. A. and Martin, K. A. C. Hybrid analog-digital architectures for neuromorphic systems, Neural Networks, 1994 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 3: 1848-1853, 1994 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Bisio, G.M. Analog sbtheshold VLSI implementation of a neuromorphic model of the visual cortex for pre-attentive vision, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems; Microneuro'94 439-448, 1994
  • Kramer, J. and Seitz, P. and Baltes, H. Planar distance and velocity, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 30:(11) 2726-2730, 1994
  • Liu, S.-C. and Mead, C. Continuous-time adaptive delay system, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1994
  • Martin, R. L. and Lloyd, H. G. E. and Cowan, A. I. The Early Events of Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation: Setting the Scene for Neuronal Death?., Trends in Neuroscience, 17: 251-257, 1994
  • Pfeifer, R. and Verschure, P. F. M. J. The challenge of autonomous agents: Pitfalls and how to avoid them, Autonomous Agents 237-263, 1994
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. Cortical Perceptual Processing Mapped into an Active Resistor Network, Proc. WCNN94-San Francisco-CA, 1994
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Nateri, G. and Bisio, G.M. A Memory-Based Recurrent Neural Architecture for Chips Emulating Cortical Visual Processing, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E77-C:(7) 1065-1074, 1994
  • Steeb, W.-H. and Solms, F. and Stoop, R. Chaotic systems and Maximum Entropy Formalism, Journal of Physics A, 27: L399-L402, 1994
  • Steeb, W.-H. and Stoop, R. Bivariate thermodynamic formalism and anomalous diffusion, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 35: 6604, 1994
  • Stoop, R. and Steeb, W.-H. Entropic characterisation of diffusion, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 49: 1215, 1994
  • Stoop, R. and Zumofen, G. and Parisi, J. Anomalous diffusion as escape from a repeller, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11: 2043, 1994
  • Stoop, R. Bivariate thermodynamic formalism and anomalous diffusion, Physical Review E, 49: 4913, 1994
  • Stoop, R. Bivariate free energy and anomalous diffusion, Europhysics Letters, 25: 99, 1994
  • Stricker, C. and Daley, D. and Redman, S. J. Statistical Analysis of Synaptic Transmission: Model Discrimination and Confidence Limits., Biophysics Journal, 67: 532-547, 1994
  • Stricker, C. and Field, A. C. and Redman, S. Probabilistic Secretion of Quanta at Excitatory Synapses on CA1 Pyramidal Neurons, Advances in Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Research, 29: 323-340, 1994
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  • Vinkhuyzen, R.E. and Verschure, P. F. M. J. The legacy of Allen Newell: Unified theories of cognition, American Journal of Psychology, 107(3): 454-464, 1994


  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Network Architectural Model of Visual Cortical Cells for Texture Segregation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, 1993
  • Delbrück, T. Silicon Retina with Correlation-Based, Velocity-Tuned Pixels, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 4: 529-541, 1993
  • Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Bisio, G.M. A Neuromorphic Architecture for Visual Processing, Proc. Giornata di Studio: Elaborazione di Immagini mediante Reti Neurali 105-110, 1993
  • Kramer, J. and Seitz, P. and Baltes, H. Inexpensive range camera operating at video speed, Applied Optics, 32:(13) 2323-2330, 1993
  • Parisi, J. and Badii, R. and Brun, E. and Reyl, C. and Roessler, O.E. and Kittel, A. and Richter, R. and Stoop, R. Explicit Realization of Chaos Control, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, 48 a: 627, 1993
  • Parisi, J. and Stoop, R. A Possible Scheme for Classisfying Phase Transitions in the Generalized Entropy Spectrum of a Nonhyperbolic System, 25: 33, 1993
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. An Active Resistor Mesh Embedding Cortical Visual Processing, Proc. ICANN93 250, 1993
  • Sabatini, S.P. and Raffo, L. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. Computational Anatomy in Low-Level Visual Processing, Proc. WIRN`93, 1993
  • Sarpeshkar, R. and Delbrück, T. and Mead, C. White noise in MOS transistors and resistors, IEEE Circuits and Devices 23-29, 1993
  • Stoop, R. Dependence of phase transitions from small changes, Physical Review E(47) 3927, 1993
  • Stoop, R. On hyperbolic elements hiding phase transitions, Physics Letters A, 273: 369, 1993


  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. Un Modello Neurale per l'Analisi di Tessitura, Congresso AICA, 1992
  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Linear Model of the Recurrent Inhibition in Visual Cortex Leading to Gabor-Like Receptive Fields, Proceedings of NeuroNimes92 Conference 517-528, 1992
  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Model of Cortical Cells Characterized by Gabor-like Receptive Fields-Application to Texture Segmentation, Artificial Neural Networks 2, 2: 917-920, 1992
  • Neil J. Berman, Rodney J. Douglas and Kevan A.C. Martin GABA-mediated inhibition in the neural networks of visual cortex, Progress in Brain Research, 90: 443-476, 1992 pdf
  • Peinke, J. and Parisi, J. and Roessler, O.E. and Stoop, R. Encounter with Chaos - Semiconductor physics in the light of nonlinear dynamics, Springer Berlin, 1992
  • Raffo, L. and Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Sabatini, S.P. A Multi-layers Analog VLSI Architecture for Texture Analysis Isomorphic to Cortical Cells in Mammalian Visual System, Proc. Int. Workshop on VLSI for AI and NN, 1992
  • Raffo, L. and Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Architectural Model of Simple and Complex Cortical Cells, EMBS Congress, 1992
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. On the influence of the grammar on the entropy spectrum of dissipative dynamical systems, Physica D, 58: 325, 1992
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. Phase transitions of scaling functions derived from experimental time series, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, a 47: 819, 1992
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. On partial generalized free energies and entropies, Physics Letters A(46) 215, 1992
  • Stoop, R. The generalized thermodynamic formalism applied to hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic models, Special Issue Zakopane Statistical Physics Meeting: xx, 1992
  • Stoop, R. Phase transitions in the approximated and asymptotic generalized entropy spectrum of nonhyperbolic dissipative dynamical systems, Physical Review A(46) 7450, 1992
  • Stoop, R. The generalized thermodynamic formalism applied to hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic models, Modern Physics Letters B(24) 1513, 1992


  • Benson, R.G. and Delbrück, T. Direction Selective Silicon Retina that uses Null Inhibition, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4 756-763, 1991
  • Delbrück, T. and Mead, C.A. Time-derivative adaptive silicon photoreceptor array, Infrared Sensors: Detectors, Electronics, and Signal Processing, 1541: 92-99, 1991
  • Delbrück, T. ``Bump'' circuits for computing similarity and dissimilarity of analog voltages, Proc. IJCNN I-475-479, 1991
  • Mead, C.A. and Delbrück, T. Scanners for Visualizing Activity of Analog VLSI Circuitry, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 1: 93-106, 1991
  • Peinke, J. and Klein, M. and Kittel, A. and Baier, G. and Parisi, J. and Stoop, R. and Hudson, J.L. and Roessler, O.E. Nowhere Differentiable Boundaries in Differentiable Systems- A Proposed Explanation, Europhysics Letters(14) 615, 1991
  • Peinke, J. and Klein, M. and Kittel, A. and Kahlert, C. and Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. and Roessler, O.E. How two Competing Characteristic Exponents generate Different Classes of Fractal Boundaries, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos(1) 599, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. and Brauchli, H. On the characterization of the scaling behavior of dissipative dynamical systems through a generalized entropy, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung(46 a) 642, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. and Brauchli, H. Convergence Properties for the Evaluation of Invariants from Finite Symbolic Substrings, Helvetica Physica Acta(64) 951, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. Dynamical Phase Transitions in a parametrically modulated radio-frequency Laser, Physical Review A(43) 1802, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. Calculation of Lyapunov Exponents avoiding spurious Elements, Physica D(50) 89, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Parisi, J. On the Convergence of the Thermodynamic Averages in Dissipative Dynamical Systems, Physics Letters A(161) 67, 1991
  • Stoop, R. and Peinke, J. and Parisi, J. Phase Transitions in a Semiconductor Experiment, Physica D(50) 405, 1991
  • Stoop, R. Phase transitions in the generalized entropy spectrum of nonhyperbolic dynamical systems,, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung(46 a) 1117, 1991


  • Holzer, R. and Flepp, L. and Stoop, R. and Broggi, G. and Brun, E. Compounded Chaos,, Helvetica Physica Acta(62) 910, 1989
  • Mahowald, M. and Delbrück, T. Cooperative stereo matching using static and dynamic image features, Analog VLSI Implementation of Neural Systems 213-238, 1989
  • Parisi, J. and Peinke, J. and Huebener, R.P. and Stoop, R. and Duong-Van, M. Evidence of Chaotic Hierarchy in a p-Ge Semiconductor Experiment, Revista Brazileira de Physica(19) 401, 1989
  • Parisi, J. and Peinke, J. and Huebener, R.P. and Stoop, R. and Duong-Van, M Evidence of Chaotic Hierarchy in a p-Ge Semiconductor Experiment,, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung(44 a) 1046, 1989
  • Rodney J. Douglas, Kevan A.C. Martin, David Whitteridge A Canonical Microcircuit for Neocortex, Neural Computation, 1:(4) 480-488, 1989 pdf
  • Stoop, R. and Peinke, J. and Parisi, J. and Röhricht, B. and Huebener, R.P. Chaos and Hyperchaos in a p-Ge Semiconductor Experiment, Physica D(35) 425, 1989
  • Stoop, R. Phase-transitions in Experimental Dynamical Systems, Helvetica Physica Acta(62) 910, 1989


  • Stoop, R. and Meier, P.F. Lyapunov Exponents and Scaling Functions from Time Series, Journal of the Optical Society of America(5) 1037, 1988


  • Broggi, G., Meier, P.F., Stoop, R., Badii, R. Nonlinear Dynamics of a Model for Parallel Pumping in Ferromagnets, Phys. Rev. A, 35: 365-368, 1987


  • Brun, E. and Derighetti, B. and Ravani, M. and Broggi, G. and Meier, P.F. and Stoop, R. Instabilities and Chaos of a solid state NMR Laser with injected Signals, Phys. Scripta, 13: 119-123, 1986
  • Waldner, F. and Badii, R. and Barberis, D.R. and Broggi, G. and Floeder, W. and Meier, P.F. and Stoop,R. and Warden, M. and Yamazaki, H. Route to chaos by irregular periods, J. Magn. Mat., 54: 54-57, 1986


  • Derighetti, B. and Ravani, M. and Stoop, R. and Meier, P.F. and Brun, E. and Badii, R. Period-Doubling Lasers as Small-Signal Detectors, Phys. Rev. Lett., 55: 1746-1778, 1985