Matthew Cook
Lecturer --
ended Dec 2024
Work phone:
41 44 635 3097
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Cortical Computation
How does thinking work? How does the cortex compute? This is one of today's greatest mysteries in science. We do not yet know how to make machines do computations similar to the computations done with ease by animal brains. By experimenting with cortically inspired architectures, we hope to gain an understanding of how such computation can occur. One of our current directions is examining models similar to belief propagation on factor graphs, and how such models can be adapted to naturally solve learning and control problems of the sort that brains solve naturally.
Main Projects
Relational Reasoning and Cortical Computation
INI-434, 227-1049-00 Block: Insights Into Neuroinformatics
Renate Krause, Matthew Cook, Sepp Kollmorgen, Valerio Mante, Giacomo Indiveri
Operative dimensions in unconstrained connectivity of recurrent neural networks
Conference on neural information processing systems (NeurIPS22)
, 2022
Julia Buhmann*, Renate Krause*, Rodrigo Ceballos Lentini, Nils Eckstein, Matthew Cook, Srinivas Turaga, Jan Funke
Synaptic Partner Prediction from Point Annotations in Insect Brains
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018
, 11071: 309-316, 2018
Ghosh, A. and Pfister, J. P. and Cook, M.
Optimised information gathering in smartphone users
, 2017
Matthew Cook, Urban Larsson, Turlough Neary
A cellular automaton for blocking queen games
Natural Computing
, 16 :(3) 397-410 , 2017
Fabian Tschopp, Julien N. P. Martel, Srinivas C. Turaga, Matthew Cook, Jan Funke
Efficient convolutional neural networks for pixelwise classification on heterogeneous hardware systems
, 2016
Robin Spiess,1 Richard George,2 Matthew Cook,2 and Peter U. Diehl2,*
Structural Plasticity Denoises Responses and Improves Learning Speed
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
, 10:(98), 2016
Diehl, P.U. and Cook, M.
Unsupervised learning of digit recognition using spike-timing-dependent plasticity
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
, 9:(99), 2015
Diehl, P.U. and Cook, M.
Unsupervised Learning of Digit Recognition Using Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience
, 2015
Diehl, P.U. and Neil, D. and Binas, J. and Cook, M. and Liu, S.C. and Pfeiffer, M.
Fast-Classifying, High-Accuracy Spiking Deep Networks Through Weight and Threshold Balancing
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
, 2015
Funke, Jan and Klein, Jonas and Cardona, Albert and Cook, Matthew
A Tolerant Edit Distance for Evaluation and Training of Electron Microscopy Reconstruction Algorithms
, 2015
Martel, Julien and Chau, Miguel and Cook, Matthew and Dudek, Piotr
Pixel Interlacing to Trade Off the Resolution of a Cellular Processor Array Against More Registers
European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, ECCTD 2015
, 2015
Martel, Julien and Chau, Miguel and Dudek, Piotr and Cook, Matthew
Toward Joint Approximate Inference of Visual Quantities on Cellular Processor Arrays
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2015
, 2015
Martel, Julien and Cook, Matthew
A Framework of Relational Networks to Build Systems with Sensors able to Perform the Joint Approximate Inference of Quantities
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Workshop on Unconventional Computing for Bayesian Inference, IROS 2015
, 2015
Cook, M. and Larsson, U. and Neary, T.
A Cellular Automaton for Blocking Queen Games
Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems
71-84, 2015
Diehl, P.U. and Cook, M.
Efficient Implementation of STDP Rules on SpiNNaker Neuromorphic Hardware
IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
, 2014
Funke, Jan and Martel, Julien and Gerhard, Stephan and Ciresan, Björn Andres Dan C. and Giusti, Alessandro and Gambardella, Luca and Pfister, Jürgen Schmidhuber Hanspeter and Cardona, Albert and Cook, Matthew
Candidate Sampling for Neuron Reconstruction from Anisotropic Electron Microscopy Volumes
MICCAI 2014, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, (proceedings are in Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
, 8673: 17-24, 2014
Muir, D. and Cook, M.
Anatomical Constraints on Lateral Competition in Columnar Cortical Architectures
Neural Computation
, 26:(8) 1624-1666, 2014
Corneil, D. and Sonnleithner, D. and Neftci, E. and Chicca, E. and Cook, M. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R.
Real-time inference in a VLSI spiking neural network
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
2425-2428, 2012
Corneil, D. and Sonnleithner, D. and Neftci, E. and Chicca, E. and Cook, M. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R.
Function approximation with uncertainty propagation in a VLSI spiking neural network
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
1-7, 2012
Funke, Jan and Andres, Bjoern and Hamprecht, Fred A. and Cardona, Albert and Cook, Matthew
Efficient Automatic 3D-Reconstruction of Branching Neurons from EM Data
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2012
1004 - 1011, 2012
Cook, M. and Jug, F. and Krautz, C.
Neuronal projections can be sharpened by a biologically plausible learning mechanism
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning-ICANN 2011
101-108, 2011
Zubler, F and Hauri, A and Pfister, S and Whatley, AM and Cook, M and Douglas, R
An instruction language for self-construction in the context of neural networks
Frontiers in Computer Neuroscience
, 5:(57), 2011
Neftci, Emre and Chicca, Elisabetta and Cook, Matthew and Douglas, Rodney
State-Dependent Sensory Processing in Networks of VLSI Spiking Neurons
Iscas proceedings 2010
2789 - 2792, 2010
Conradt, J. and Berner, R. and Cook, M. and Delbruck, T.
An Embedded AER Dynamic Vision Sensor for Low-Latency Pole Balancing
IEEE Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision (ECV09), Kyoto, Japan
, 2009
Conradt, J and Cook, M and Berner, R and Lichtsteiner, P and Douglas, RJ and Delbruck , T
A Pencil Balancing Robot using a Pair of AER Dynamic Vision Sensors
International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS)
781-785, 2009
Cook, M and Jug, F and Krautz, C
Sharpening Projections
BMC Neuroscience
, 10: (Suppl 1):P214, 2009
Cook, Matthew
Book review: Probabilistic reasoning and decision making in sensory-motor systems
Neuromorphic Engineer
, 2009
Cook, Matthew and Soloveichik, David and Winfree, Erik and Bruck, Jehoshua
Programmability of Chemical Reaction Networks
Algorithmic Bioprocesses
543-584, 2009
Conradt, J and Lichtsteiner, P and Berner, R and Delbruck, T and Douglas, RJ and Cook, M
A Pencil Balancing Robot Using Only Spike-based Visual Input.
Neural Information Processing Systems
, 2008
Cook, M.
The Reusable Symbol Problem
NeSy08: 4th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning
, 2008
Soloveichik, D. and Cook, M. and Winfree, E.
Combining self-healing and proofreading in self-assembly
Natural Computing
, 7:(2) 203-218, 2008
Soloveichik, D. and Cook, M. and Winfree, E. and Bruck, J.
Computation with finite stochastic chemical reaction networks
Natural Computing
, 7:(4) 615-633, 2008
Jiang, A. and Cook, M. and Bruck, J.
Optimal Interleaving on Tori
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
, 20:(4) 841-879, 2006