A custom syringe pump development for drug carrier injection for targeted drug delivery in brain

Figure 1: Future clinical concept for our technology. A syringe homogenously injects drug carriers to vascular system while a FUS transducer sonicates the target region of the brain to aggregate and uncage drug carriers focally.
Non-invasive, focal drug delivery in a controlled, reliable manner can lead to breakthroughs in the treatments of brain disorders. To address this, we recently developed a unique technology that can concentrate small molecules in specific brain regions by orders of magnitude more efficiently than systemic drug administration [https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18059-7].
One of the important components of this technology is the ability of injecting drug carriers homogenously through a catheter to animal/human cardiovascular system (Figure 1). This project will involve designing a novel syringe pump which will be able to inject drug carriers while mixing them homogenously without inducing any damage on them. The student will also experiment our existing prototype, able to learn focused ultrasound systems, and join stimulating discussions about neurotechnologies.
- Learn operating our existing focused ultrasound experiments in vitro to image behavior of drug carriers. This technology has tremendous clinical advantages.
- 3D design of the syringe pump in SolidWorks or similar software’s and simulating the mechanics of the pump. Student will get help for the design but also welcomed to put own ideas.
- Implementing the design through help from ETH machine shop and Yanik Lab facilities.
- Testing and calibrating the syringe pump using in vitro experimental setups.
Joining a highly interdisciplinary team in the fields of translational neuroscience and precision medicine for brain disorders. Experiencing Focused Ultrasound technology and drug carriers.
Project duration: 6-9 months, flexible start, and end dates.
Neurotechnology Group | D-ITET | ETH Zurich
Prof. Fatih Yanik
Contact Person: Mehmet Ozdas
Email: zdasm@ethz.ch
Irchel Campus Y17-L68
Winterthurerstrase 190
8057 Zurich