Time-invariant shape recognition using tactile sensors on neuromorphic hardware (in collaboration with the University of Chicago)

Exploiting Heterogeneity in Neuromorphic Systems for Robust Analog Computing

Neuromorphic Sensor Integration for Plant Health Monitoring

Optimal Spike-based Encoding (Analog to Spike - ASC) Methods for Wearable EEG

Multimodal Neuromorphic Sensory Fusion with Hardware-Aware Spiking Neural Networks for Biomedical Applications

Neuromorphic implementation of a spiking neural network (SNN) for optimizing water supply based on moisture data

Exploring the neural manifolds of flexible learning

Biophysical neural network modelling of flexible reinforcement learning

Neuromorphic Detection of Abnormal Respiratory Patterns Using Smart Textile Sensors

Training Neuromorphic Devices with a novel feedback control algorithm - Applications for online learning with spikes

Hierarchical Organization of Human and Animal Vocalizations

Master thesis - Controller for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to non-invasively provide tactile sensory feedback for amputees (collaboration with Johns Hopkins University)

Master Thesis /Semester Project – Enhancing Prosthetic and Robotic Devices with Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Networks for Tactile Object Classification

Semester project - Modeling the Human Vestibular System Encoding Using a Neuromorphic Chip

Master Thesis - Investigating Corticomuscular Coherence (CMC) in Cognitive and Muscular Fatigue during Dual Tasks (in collaboration with IIT in Genova)

Self-supervised state space geometry learning and goal generation for reinforcement learning

Master Thesis/PhD Position: Rapid Adaptive Task Learning Inspired by Hierarchical Networks

Master Thesis: Songbird brother experiment

MSc Thesis / Semester Project: Real-time control of focused ultrasound intensities using passive cavitation imaging (PCI): applications to targeted drug delivery

NeuroQuake: Sparse SNN models for continual, multi-modal and multi-step earthquake forecasting using the NEST simulator

Master Thesis/ Project: Target Vocalization Extraction in Zebra Finches

NSC Projects (15.12.2023)

Semester Project: Pitch detection for birdsong

Analyzing thalamo-cortical interactions with simultaneously acquired electrical and optical recordings (short or master thesis project)

Designing an MR compatible stereotaxic system for targeted drug delivery in sheep brain

A custom syringe pump development for drug carrier injection for targeted drug delivery in brain

Building and ARC task-generator with Reinforcement Learning

MSc projects: Enhancing Communication for Individuals with Complex Congenital Disorders - A Personalized Speech Recognition Approach

neuro2voc: Decoding vocalizations from neural activity

MSc-Project: How do actions and goals change neural representations?

Semester Project/Masters Thesis: Modelling event-based and analog VLSI SNNs using Julia

Pup ultrasonic vocalizations triggering alloparental retrieval

Master Thesis: Localization of killer whale calls

Master Thesis: Phased array radio localization for behavioral monitoring of birds

Master thesis on Evolving Optimized Neuromorphic Hardware Architectures

Master’s thesis in designing low-power and low-area sensing circuitry for resistive memory devices

Behavioral Cloning on chips

Reinforcement learning with spiking neural network models and chips

On-chip few-shot learning of heartbeat anomaly on a new neural processing chip

Semester Project: Embodied perception of brushstrokes

Master Thesis controlling or forecasting systems with complex dynamics

SPAIC: Modelling of an Event-Driven Spike Encoding System

Semester project: Classifiying mouse behaviour using DeepLabCut

Brain-inspired online training algorithms for neuromorphic hardware

MSc Thesis: Are artificial recurrent neural networks a good model for cortex?

NSC Projects (02.06.2022)

RL theory: adapting value representations in a non-stationary world

Multi-agent reinforcement learning

MSC Thesis Project on attribution study of large language models

On-chip learning on a new neural processing chip

NSC Projects (07.12.2021)

Detection and behavioral analysis of a bird’s heartbeat and respiration

SA/MA: Event-driven network structural plasticity on neuromorphic chip

SA/MA: Hierarchical sequence learning on mixed-signal neuromorphic hardware

Meta-Learning with Hypernetworks and Multi-modal embeddings

Event-based (Neuromorphic) radar signal encodings

Chaotic dynamics with neuromorphic networks of spiking neurons

NSC Projects (12.07.2021)

Dealing with Device Mismatch in Deep Networks from an Algorithmic Perspective

How does cortical processing of deviant stimuli shape perception (Semester/Thesis Project)

Cooled DVS for 2D quantum trap atom detection - COOLDVS

Assessing the well-being of laboratory rodents in behavioral experiments (Semester Project/ Master Thesis)

Adaptive brain-like neural networks for control of robotic limbs in brain-inspired hardware- MSc Thesis project

Master Project: A Neural Kalman Filter

Developing real-time low-power multi-channel speech separation algorithms

New projects from devices to systems with the Sensors group

Designing real time interaction between machine and birds

Neuronal population dynamics in a learned motor behavior.

Investigate the neural code along the output axis of the brains memory system

Neuromorphic chip interface with a microcontroller - Master project

This project will allow to explore input/output solutions of spikes generated by (or sent to) neuromorphic chips using the Teensy 4.0 platform (ARM Cortex M7), and to characterize temporal (1us resolution) and bandwidth requirements.

Design and implementation of dissolvable elastic electrodes for stable neuronal activity recording

Detecting iEEG High Frequency Oscillations Using Event-mapped Hyperdimensional Computing

Biophysical characterization of the subdural local field potentials in mouse neocortex and fabricating low-impedance flexible electrode arrays

Fabrication of flexible shank-electrodes for long-term multi-area electrophysiological recordings in the prefrontal areas of behaving rats

Reinforcement Learning of Visual Decision Making in RNNs (Master Thesis)

Development of Electronic Hardware and Control Software for a Miniaturized Microscope

Text Embeddings Optimized for Distance Computations (MSc Thesis)

The goal of this project is to develop new methods for representation learning of documents and sentences, that are trained to approximate the distance between two documents.

Intrinsic Optical Imaging for the Mapping of Cortical Responses

Online Monitoring of Vital Signs & Anesthesia during Neural Recordings

Fully automated extraction of neural signals from imaging data

Psychophysical Theory of Human Pitch Processing

We study the mechanisms of fundamental frequency (pitch) adaptation of songbird and human vocalizations. Adaptation can be induced as a response to distortions of pitch feedback.

Deep neural networks for auditory scene analysis

A Spike based ADC for calcium bio-signal recording in the mouse brain

UZH - ETH Zurich students:

If you are interested in working on one of the projects listed above, there is always the possibility of defining sub-projects and objectives suitable for Master theses and Semesterarbeits. Please contact your prospective supervisor directly, and arrange a meeting with him or her.

International students:

Unfortunately we do not have any means of providing financial support for internships or thesis projects. However, if you find alternative sources of funding or can provide your own financial support, we can define student/thesis projects, provide the necessary lab and office space, and supervise your work. Given the experimental nature of the work being carried out in our lab, involving the design or use of custom analog VLSI devices, it only makes sense to consider project durations of at least 6 months.

Please make sure you can demonstrate your ability to financially support yourself (mainly for visa reasons) before contacting your prospective supervisor.