Valerio Mante
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044 635 30 51
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I obtained a Diploma in Physics from the ETH Zurich in 2000, and a PhD in Neuroscience from the ETH Zurich in 2005. From 2006-2013 I was postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Since 2013 I am a group leader at INI. In my lab we use a combination of experimental and computational approaches to study the neural computations underlying cognitive processes like decision-making and attention.
Main Projects
Neural dynamics of primate cognition
Behavioural and Neural Models of Decision Making
Neural population dynamics underlying oculomotor decision making
IDB 402 Systems, Computation and Neural Technology
INI-401, 227-1037-00 Introduction to Neuroinformatics
INI-431, 227-1045-00 Readings in Neuroinformatics
INI-502, 227-1039-00
Basics of instrumentation, measurement and analysis
INI-701, 227-1043-00
Neuroinformatics - Colloquia
Benjamin Ehret, Roman Boehringer, Elizabeth A. Amadei, Maria R. Cervera, Christian Henning, Aniruddh R. Galgali, Valerio Mante & Benjamin F. Grewe
Population-level coding of avoidance learning in medial prefrontal cortex
Nature Neuroscience
, 27: 1805–1815, 2024
Pagan, Marino and Tang, Vincent D. and Aoi, Mikio C. and Pillow, Jonathan W. and Mante, Valerio and Sussillo, David and Brody, Carlos D.
Individual variability of neural computations underlying flexible decisions
, 2024
Soldado-Magraner, Joana and Mante, Valerio and Sahani, Maneesh
Inferring context-dependent computations through linear approximations of prefrontal cortex dynamics
Science Advances
, 2024
Ehret, Benjamin and Boehringer, Roman and Amadei, Elizabeth A. and Cervera, Maria R. and Henning, Christian and Galgali, Aniruddh and Mante, Valerio and Grewe, Benjamin F.
Population-level neural correlates of flexible avoidance learning in medial prefrontal cortex
, 2023
Galgali, Aniruddh R. and Sahani, Maneesh and Mante, Valerio
Residual dynamics resolves recurrent contributions to neural computation
Nature Neuroscience
326-338, 2023
Soldado-Magraner, Joana and Mante, Valerio and Sahani, Maneesh
Inferring context-dependent computations through linear approximations of prefrontal cortex dynamics
, 2023
Timo Flesch, Valerio Mante, William Newsome, Andrew Saxe, Christopher Summerfield, David Sussillo
Are task representations gated in macaque prefrontal cortex?
, 2023
Calangiu, Ioana and Kollmorgen, Sepp and Reppas, John and Mante, Valerio
Primate pre-arcuate cortex actively maintains persistent representations of saccades from plans to outcomes
, 2022
Markus Marks, Qiuhan Jin, Oliver Sturman, Lukas von Ziegler, Sepp Kollmorgen, Wolfger von der Behrens, Valerio Mante, Johannes Bohacek & Mehmet Fatih Yanik
Deep-learning-based identification, tracking, pose estimation and behaviour classification of interacting primates and mice in complex environments
Nature Machine Intelligence
, 4: 331-340, 2022
Pagan, Marino and Tang, Vincent D and Aoi, Mikio C. and Pillow, Jonathan W. and Mante, Valerio and Sussillo, David and Brody, Carlos D.
A new theoretical framework jointly explains behavioral and neural variability across subjects performing flexible decision-making
, 2022
Renate Krause, Matthew Cook, Sepp Kollmorgen, Valerio Mante, Giacomo Indiveri
Operative dimensions in unconstrained connectivity of recurrent neural networks
Conference on neural information processing systems (NeurIPS22)
, 2022
Gwendolin Schoenfeld, Sepp Kollmorgen, Christopher Lewis, Philipp Bethge, Anna-Maria Reuss, Adriano Aguzzi, Valerio Mante, and Fritjof Helmchen
Dendritic integration of sensory and reward information facilitates learning
, 2021
M Marks, J Qiuhan, O Sturman, L von Ziegler, S Kollmorgen, W von der Behrens, V Mante, J Bohacek, MF Yanik
Deep-learning based identification, pose estimation and end-to-end behavior classification for interacting primates and mice in complex environments
1-33, 2021
Marks, Markus and Qiuhan, Jin and Sturman, Oliver and von Ziegler, Lukas and Kollmorgen, Sepp and von der Behrens, Wolfger and Mante, Valerio and Bohacek, Johannes and Yanik, Mehmet Fatih
SIPEC: the deep-learning Swiss knife for behavioral data analysis
, 2020
Sepp Kollmorgen, Richard Hahnloser, Valerio Mante
Nearest neighbours reveal fast and slow components of motor learning
, 2020
Kollmorgen, Sepp and Hahnloser, Richard and Mante, Valerio
Neighborhood-statistics reveal complex dynamics of song acquisition in the zebra finch
, 2019
Mante, V and Sussillo, D and Shenoy, KV and Newsome, WT
Context-dependent computation by recurrent dynamics in prefrontal cortex
, 503:(7474) 78-84, 2013
ManteV, Bonin V, Carandini M
Functional mechanisms shaping lateral geniculate responses to artificial and natural stimuli
, 58:(4) 625-38, 2008
Bonin, V and Mante, V and Carandini, M
The Statistical Computation Underlying Contrast Gain Control
Journal of Neuroscience
, 26:(23) 6346-6353, 2006
Rust NC, Mante V, Simoncelli EP, Movshon JA
How MT cells analyze the motion of visual patterns.
Nat Neurosci.
, 9:(11) 1421-31, 2006
Bonin, V. and Mante, V. and Carandini, M.
The Suppressive Field of Neurons in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus
Journal of Neuroscience
, 25:(47) 10844-10856, 2005
Carandini M, Demb JB, Mante V, Tolhurst DJ, Dan Y, Olshausen BA, Gallant JL, Rust NC
Do we know what the early visual system does?
J Neurosci.
, 25:(46) 10577-97, 2005
Mante V and Carandini M
Mapping of stimulus energy in primary visual cortex
J Neurophysiol.
, 94:(1) 788-98, 2005
Mante V, Frazor RA, Bonin V, Geisler WS, Carandini M
Independence of luminance and contrast in natural scenes and in the early visual system
Nat Neurosci.
, 8:(12) 1690-7, 2005
Durand, S and Freeman, T C B and Mante, V and Kiper, DC and Carandini, M
Cross-orientation suppression in cat V1 with very fast stimuli.
Soc Neurosci Abs
, 27: Program number 12.10, 2001