Giacomo Indiveri

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+41 44 635 3024
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I am engineer by training, but have always been interested also in physics, computer science, and neuroscience. I combine these disciplines by studying real and artificial neural processing systems, and by building hardware neuromorphic cognitive systems, using full custom analog and digital VLSI technology.

Spin-Off Companies


227-0085-09 Projects & Seminars: Spiking Neural Network on Neuromorphic processors
IDB 402 Systems, Computation and Neural Technology
INI-401, 227-1037-00 Introduction to Neuroinformatics
INI-404, 227-1033-00 Neuromorphic Engineering I
INI-405, 227-1032-00 Neuromorphic Engineering II
INI-434, 227-1049-00 Block: Insights Into Neuroinformatics
INI-508, 227-1048-00 Neuromorphic Intelligence



  • Madison Cotteret, Hugh Greatorex, Alpha Renner, Junren Chen, Emre Neftci, Huaqiang Wu, Giacomo Indiveri, Martin Ziegler and Elisabetta Chicca Distributed Representations Enable Robust Multi-Timescale Computation in Neuromorphic Hardware, Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 2025












  • Azghadi, M. Rahimi and Iannella, N. and Al-Sarawi, S. and Indiveri, G. and Abbott, D. Spike-Based Synaptic Plasticity in Silicon: Design, Implementation, Application, and Challenges, Proceedings of IEEE, 102:(5) 717-737, 2014
  • Binas, J. and Rutishauser, U. and Indiveri, G. and Pfeiffer, M. Learning and Stabilization of Winner-Take-All Dynamics Through Interacting Excitatory and Inhibitory Plasticity, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 8:(68), 2014
  • Chicca, E. and Stefanini, F. and Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic electronic circuits for building autonomous cognitive systems, Proceedings of IEEE, 102:(9) 1367 - 1388, 2014
  • Coath, M. and Sheik, S. and Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Denham, S.L. and Wennekers, T. A robust sound perception model suitable for neuromorphic implementation., Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7:(278), 2014
  • Corradi, F. and Bontrager, D. and Indiveri, G. Toward neuromorphic intelligent brain-machine interfaces: An event-based neural recording and processing system, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 584-587, 2014
  • Corradi, F. and Eliasmith, C. and Indiveri, G. Mapping Arbitrary Mathematical Functions and Dynamical Systems to Neuromorphic VLSI Circuits for Spike-Based Neural Computation , IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2014 269-272, 2014
  • Corradi, F. and Zambrano, D. and Raglianti, M. and Passetti, G. and Laschi, C. and Indiveri, G. Towards a Neuromorphic Vestibular System , Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 8:(5) 669-680, 2014
  • Donati, E. and Corradi, F. and Stefanini, C. and Indiveri, G. A spiking implementation of the lamprey's Central Pattern Generator in neuromorphic VLSI , Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 512 - 515 , 2014
  • Mandloi, N.K. and Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Smart motion sensing for autonomous robots, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) 520--523, 2014
  • Mandloi, N.K. and Indiveri, G. and Bartolozzi, C. Compact Analog Temporal Edge Detector Circuit With Programmable Adaptive Threshold for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 61:(11) 3094 - 3104, 2014
  • Moradi, S. and Indiveri, G. An Event-Based Neural Network Architecture With an Asynchronous Programmable Synaptic Memory, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 8:(1) 98 - 107, 2014
  • Mostafa, Hesham and Corradi, Federico and Stefanini, Fabio and Indiveri, Giacomo A Hybrid Analog/Digital Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Learning Circuit for Neuromorphic VLSI Multi-Neuron Architectures, ISCAS 854 - 857, 2014
  • Mostafa, Hesham and Indiveri, Giacomo Sequential Activity in Asymmetrically Coupled Winner-Take-All Circuits, Neural Computation, 26:(9) 1973-2004, 2014
  • Papadimitriou, K. and Liu, S-C. and Indiveri, G. and Drakakis, E. M. Neuromorphic log-domain silicon synapse circuits obey Bernoulli dynamics: A unifying tutorial analysis, Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering, 2014
  • Rovere, G and Ning, Q and Bartolozzi, C and Indiveri, G Ultra low leakage synaptic scaling circuits for implementing homeostatic plasticity in neuromorphic architectures, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2073-2076, 2014
  • Sandin, Fredrik and Khan, Asad I and Dyer, Adrian G and Amin, Anang Hudaya M and Indiveri, Giacomo and Chicca, Elisabetta and Osipov, Evgeny Concept Learning in Neuromorphic Vision Systems: What Can We Learn from Insects?, Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 7:(5), 2014
  • Stefanini, Fabio and Neftci, Emre O. and Sheik, Sadique and Indiveri, Giacomo PyNCS: a microkernel for high-level definition and configuration of neuromorphic electronic systems, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 8:(73), 2014
  • Indiveri, Giacomo and Douglas, Rodney Neuromorphic Cognition, Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience 1-12, 2014



  • Corneil, D. and Sonnleithner, D. and Neftci, E. and Chicca, E. and Cook, M. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. Real-time inference in a VLSI spiking neural network, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) 2425-2428, 2012
  • Corneil, D. and Sonnleithner, D. and Neftci, E. and Chicca, E. and Cook, M. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. Function approximation with uncertainty propagation in a VLSI spiking neural network, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 1-7, 2012
  • Dhoble, K. and Nuntalid, N. and Indiveri, G. and Kasabov, N. Online Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognition with Evolving Spiking Neural Networks utilising Address Event Representation, Rank Order, and Temporal Spike Learning, In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2012 554-560, 2012
  • Neftci, E. and Toth, B. and Indiveri, G. and Abarbane, H. Dynamic State and Parameter Estimation applied to Neuromorphic Systems, Neural Computation, 24:(7) 1669-1694, 2012
  • Neftci, Emre and Binas, Jonathan and Chicca, Elisabetta and Indiveri, Giacomo and Douglas, Rodney Systematic Construction of Finite State Automata Using VLSI Spiking Neurons, Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems 382-383, 2012
  • Sheik, Sadique and Chicca, Elisabetta and Indiveri, Giacomo Exploiting device mismatch in neuromorphic VLSI systems to implement axonal delays, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 1-6, 2012
  • Sheik, S. and Coath, M. and Indiveri, G. and Denham, S.L. and Wennekers, T. and Chicca, E. Emergent auditory feature tuning in a real-time neuromorphic VLSI system, Frontiers in neuroscience, 6:(00017) 1-10, 2012
  • Daniel Sonnleithner, Giacomo Indiveri A Real-Time Event-Based Selective Attention System for Active Vision, Advances in Autonomous Mini Robots 205-219, 2012



  • Indiveri, G and Neftci, E A Device Mismatch Compensation Method for VLSI Neural Networks 262-265, 2010
  • Indiveri, G and Stefanini, F and Chicca, E Spike-based learning with a generalized integrate and fire silicon neuron, International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2010 1951-1954, 2010


  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Global scaling of synaptic efficacy: Homeostasis in silicon synapses, Neurocomputing(72) 726-731, 2009
  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Selective Attention in Multi-Chip Address-Event Systems, Sensors, 9:(7) 5076-5098, 2009 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Chicca, E. and Douglas, R. Artificial cognitive systems: From VLSI networks of spiking neurons to neuromorphic cognition, Cognitive Computation, 1:(2) 119-127, 2009 pdf
  • Livi, P. and Indiveri, G. A current-mode conductance-based silicon neuron for Address-Event neuromorphic systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS 2009 2898-2901, 2009 pdf
  • Mitra, S. and Fusi, S. and Indiveri, G. Real-Time Classification of Complex Patterns Using Spike-Based Learning in Neuromorphic VLSI, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 3:(1) 32-42, 2009 pdf
  • Mitra, S. and Indiveri, G. Spike-based synaptic plasticity and classification on VLSI, Neuromorphic Engineer, 10.2417:(1200904.1636) 1-3, 2009 pdf
  • Orchard, G. and Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Applying neuromorphic vision sensors to planetary landing tasks, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2009. BioCAS 2009. IEEE 201 - 204 , 2009 pdf


  • Bartolozzi, C. and Nikolayeva, O. and Indiveri, G. Implementing homeostatic plasticity in VLSI networks of spiking neurons, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2008 682-685, 2008 pdf
  • Fasnacht, D. B. and Whatley, A. M. and Indiveri, G. A Serial Communication Infrastructure for Multi-Chip Address Event Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2008) 648-651, 2008 pdf
  • Giulioni, M. and Camilleri, P. and Dante, V. and Badoni, D. and Indiveri, G. and Braun, J. and Del Giudice, P. A VLSI network of spiking neurons with plastic fully configurable "stop-learning" synapses, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, ICECS 2008 678-681, 2008 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic VLSI Models of Selective Attention: From Single Chip Vision Sensors to Multi-chip Systems, Sensors, 8: 5352-5375, 2008 pdf
  • Mitra, Srinjoy and Indiveri, Giacomo and Fusi, Stefano Learning to classify complex patterns using a VLSI network of spiking neurons, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20 1009-1016, 2008 pdf
  • Neftci, E. and Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Slotine, J.-J. and Douglas, R. J. Contraction Properties of VLSI Cooperative Competitive Neural Networks of Spiking Neurons, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20 1073-1080, 2008 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Liu, S.-C. and Delbruck, T. and Douglas, R. Neuromorphic systems, The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience 521-528, 2008


  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Synaptic dynamics in analog VLSI, Neural Computation, 19:(10) 2581-2603, 2007 pdf
  • Camilleri, P. and Giulioni, M. and Dante, V. and Badoni, D. and Indiveri, G. and Michaelis, B. and Braun, J. and Del Giudice, P. A Neuromorphic aVLSI Network Chip with Configurable Plastic Synapses, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'07) 296-301, 2007 pdf
  • Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. J. Context dependent amplification of both rate and event-correlation in a VLSI network of spiking neurons, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 257-264, 2007 pdf
  • Chicca, E. and Whatley, A. M. and Lichtsteiner, P. and Dante, V. and Delbruck, T. and Del Giudice, P. and Douglas, R. J. and Indiveri, G. A multi-chip pulse-based neuromorphic infrastructure and its application to a model of orientation selectivity, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I, Regular Papers, 54:(5) 981-993, 2007 pdf
  • Indiveri, G Synaptic Plasticity and Spike-based Computation in VLSI Networks of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons, Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews, 11:(4-6) 135-146, 2007 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Fusi, S. Spike-based learning in VLSI networks of integrate-and-fire neurons, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 07) 3371-3374, 2007 pdf
  • Mitra, Srinjoy and Indiveri, Giacomo and Fusi, Stefano Robust classification of correlated patterns with a neuromorphic VLSI network of spiking neurons, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference Proceedings 87-90, 2007 pdf
  • Wang, H.-P. and Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Sejnowski, T.J. Reliability of Spike-Time Based Computation in Noisy Backgrounds Using Real-Time Neuromorphic Hardware, Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference Proceedings 71-74, 2007
  • Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. Neuromorphic Networks of Spiking Neurons, Handbook on "Nano- and Molecular Electronics'' 10-1 - 10-9, 2007


  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Silicon synaptic homeostasis, Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2006) 1-6, 2006 pdf
  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. Selective attention implemented with dynamic synapses and integrate-and-fire networks, Neurocomputing(69) 1971-1976, 2006
  • Bartolozzi, C. and Mitra, S. and Indiveri, G. An ultra low power current-mode filter for neuromorphic systems and biomedical signal processing, IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS06) 130-133, 2006 pdf
  • Chicca, E. and Lichtsteiner, P. and Delbruck, T. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. J. Modeling Orientation Selectivity Using a Neuromorphic Multi-Chip System, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 1235-1239, 2006 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Chicca, E. and Douglas, R. A VLSI array of low-power spiking neurons and bistable synapses with spike–timing dependent plasticity, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 17:(1) 211-221, 2006 pdf
  • Mitra, S. and Fusi, S. and Indiveri, G. A VLSI spike-driven dynamic synapse which learns only when necessary, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems ISCAS06 2777-2780, 2006 pdf


  • Hofstoetter, C and Gil, M and Eng, K and Indiveri, G and Mintz, M and Kramer, J and Verschure, P F M J The cerebellum chip: an analog VLSI implementation of a cerebellar model of classical conditioning, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 17: 577-584, 2005 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. VLSI reconfigurable networks of integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-timing dependent plasticity, The Neuromorphic Engineer Newsletter, 2:(1) 4,7, 2005
  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic Selective Attention Systems, Neurobiology of Attention 633-637, 2005 pdf
  • Mitra, S. and Indiveri, G. A low-power dual-threshold comparator for neuromorphic systems, 2005 PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, 2: 402-405, 2005 pdf
  • Muir, D. R. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. Form specifies function: Robust spike-based computation in analog VLSI without precise synaptic weights, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 5150-5153, 2005 pdf
  • Reeve, R. and Webb, B. and Horchler, A. and Indiveri, G. and Quinn, R. New Technologies for testing a model of cricket phonotaxis on an outdoor robot platform, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 51:(1) 41-54, 2005 pdf


  • Bartolozzi, C. and Indiveri, G. A neuromorphic selective attention architecture with dynamic synapses and Integrate-and-Fire neurons, Proceedings of Brain Inspired Cognitive Systems (BICS 2004), BIS2.2: 1-6, 2004 pdf
  • Becanovic, V and Hosseiny, R and Indiveri, G Robot Soccer using Optical Analog VLSI Sensors, International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 19:(4) 213-221, 2004 pdf
  • Ben Dayan Rubin, D. D. and Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. Characterizing the firing proprieties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3141: 189-200, 2004 pdf
  • Carota, L. and Indiveri, G. and Dante, V. A software-hardware selective attention system, Neurocomputing, 58--60: 647-653, 2004 pdf
  • Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. J. An event based VLSI network of integrate-and-fire neurons, Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems V-357-V-360, 2004
  • Indiveri, G. and Chicca, E. and Douglas, R. A VLSI reconfigurable network of integrate-and-fire neurons with spike-based learning synapses, Proceedings of 12th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN04) 405-410, 2004 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic Engineering, Smart Adaptive Systems on Silicon 67-84, 2004


  • Chicca, E. and Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. J. An adaptive silicon synapse, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems,, 1: I-81-I-84, 2003 pdf
  • Indiveri, G Neuromorphic bistable VLSI synapses with spike-timing-dependent plasticity, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 15: 1091-1098, 2003
  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic selective attention systems, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 3: III-770-III-773, 2003
  • Indiveri, G. A low-power adaptive integrate-and-fire neuron circuit., Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 4: IV-820-IV-823, 2003


  • Indiveri, G. and Oswald, P. and Kramer, J. An adaptive visual tracking sensor with a hysteretic winner-take-all network, ISCAS 2002. The 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2002, 2: 324-327, 2002 pdf
  • Liu, S-C. and Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Delbruck, T. and Douglas, R. Orientation-selective aVLSI spiking neurons, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 14:, 2002 pdf
  • Becanovic, V. and Indiveri, G. and Kobialka, H. and Ploger, P. and Stocker, A. A. Silicon Retina Sensing guided by Omni-direction Vision,, Mechatronics and Machine Vision 2002: Current Practice 13-21, 2002
  • Liu, S-C. and Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Delbruck, T. and Douglas, R. Analog VLSI: Circuits and Principles, MIT Press, 2002


  • Indiveri, G. A Neuromorphic VLSI device for implementing 2-D selective attention systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 12:(6) 1455-1463, 2001
  • Indiveri, G. A Current-mode Analog Hysteretic Winner-take-all Network, with Excitatory and Inhibitory Coupling, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 28:(3) 279-291, 2001 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Horiuchi, T. and Niebur, E. and Douglas, R. A Competitive Network of Spiking VLSI Neurons, World Congress on Neuroinformatics 2001 443-455, 2001 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Mürer, R. and Kramer, J. Active vision using an analog VLSI model of selective attention, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 48:(5) 492-500, 2001 pdf
  • Liu, S-C. and Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Delbruck, T. and Burg, T. and Douglas, R. Orientation-selective aVLSI spiking neurons, Neural Networks, 14:(6/7) 629-643, 2001


  • Indiveri, G. A 2D Neuromorphic VLSI architecture for modeling selective attention, Proc. IEEE-INNS-ENNS Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks; IJCNN2000, IV: 208-213, 2000 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. Modeling Selective Attention using a Neuromorphic analog VLSI Device, Neural Computation, 12:(12) 2857-2880, 2000
  • Indiveri, G. and Douglas, R. ROBOTIC VISION: Neuromorphic Vision Sensor, Science, 288: 1189-1190, 2000 pdf


  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic Analog VLSI Sensor for Visual Tracking: Circuits and Application Examples, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, 46:(11) 1337-1347, 1999 pdf
  • Indiveri, G. and Whatley, A. M. and Kramer, J. A Reconfigurable Neuromorphic VLSI Multi-Chip System Applied to Visual Motion Computation, Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems, Microneuro'99 37-44, 1999 pdf
  • Mudra, R. and Indiveri, G. A modular neuromorphic navigation system applied to line following and obstacle avoidance tasks, Experiments with the Mini-Robot Khepera, 64: 99-108, 1999
  • Indiveri, G. and Rasche, C. and Douglas, R. Elaborazione Neuromorfa dei Segnali Sensoriali con Circuiti VLSI Analogici, Frontiere della Vita, 1999


  • Indiveri, G. Analog VLSI Model of Locust DCMD Neuron for Computation of Object Approach, Neuromorphic Systems. Engineering Silicon from Neurobiology, 10: 47-60, 1998
  • Indiveri, G. Winner-take-all Networks with Lateral Excitation, Neuromorphic Systems Engineering 367-380, 1998 pdf
  • Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic vision sensors and preprocessors in system applications, Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras II, 3410: 134-146, 1998 pdf


  • Indiveri, G. Neuromorphic Systems For Industrial Applications, Proc. Int. Body Engineering Conference & Exposition, 1997
  • Indiveri, G. Winner-take-all networks with lateral excitation, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 13:(1/2) 185-193, 1997
  • Indiveri, G. and Verschure, P. F. M. J. Autonomous vehicle guidance using analog VLSI neuromorphic sensors, Proceedings Artificial Neural Networks-ICANN97: Lausanne, Switzerland, 1327: 811-816, 1997 pdf


  • Indiveri, G. and Kramer, J. and Koch, C. System Implementations of analog VLSI velocity sensors, IEEE Micro, 16:(5) 40-49, 1996
  • Indiveri, G. and Kramer, J. and Koch, C. System Implementations of analog VLSI velocity sensors, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems; Microneuro'96 15-22, 1996
  • Indiveri, G. and Kramer, J. and Koch, C. Parallel analog VLSI architectures for computation of heading direction and time-to-contact, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 8: 720-726, 1996
  • Indiveri, G. and Kramer, J. and Koch, C. Neuromorphic Vision Chips: intelligent sensors for industrial applications, Proc Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications, 1996
  • Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Bisio, G.M. A recurrent neural architecture mimicking cortical preattentive vision systems., Neurocomputing, 11: 155-170, 1996
  • Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Koch, C. Analog VLSI motion projects at Caltech, Advanced Focal Plane Arrays and Electronic Cameras, 2950: 50-63, 1996
  • Sarpeshkar, R. and Kramer, J. and Indiveri, G. and Koch, C. Analog VLSI architectures for motion processing: from fundamental limits to system applications, Proceedings of the IEEE, 84:(7) 969-987, 1996


  • Indiveri, G. and Kramer, J. and Koch, C. Analog VLSI architecture for computing heading direction, Proc Intelligent Vehicles `95 Symp. 24-29, 1995
  • Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Bisio, G.M. A Neuromorphic Architecture for Cortical Multi-layer Integration of Early Visual Tasks, Machine Vision and Applications, 8: 305-314, 1995


  • Indiveri, G. and Bisio, G.M. Analog sbtheshold VLSI implementation of a neuromorphic model of the visual cortex for pre-attentive vision, Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics for Neural, Fuzzy and Bio-inspired Systems; Microneuro'94 439-448, 1994
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. Cortical Perceptual Processing Mapped into an Active Resistor Network, Proc. WCNN94-San Francisco-CA, 1994
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Nateri, G. and Bisio, G.M. A Memory-Based Recurrent Neural Architecture for Chips Emulating Cortical Visual Processing, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, E77-C:(7) 1065-1074, 1994


  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Network Architectural Model of Visual Cortical Cells for Texture Segregation, Proc. Int. Conf. on Neural Networks, 1993
  • Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Bisio, G.M. A Neuromorphic Architecture for Visual Processing, Proc. Giornata di Studio: Elaborazione di Immagini mediante Reti Neurali 105-110, 1993
  • Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. An Active Resistor Mesh Embedding Cortical Visual Processing, Proc. ICANN93 250, 1993
  • Sabatini, S.P. and Raffo, L. and Indiveri, G. and Caviglia, D.D. and Bisio, G.M. Computational Anatomy in Low-Level Visual Processing, Proc. WIRN`93, 1993


  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Linear Model of the Recurrent Inhibition in Visual Cortex Leading to Gabor-Like Receptive Fields, Proceedings of NeuroNimes92 Conference 517-528, 1992
  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. Un Modello Neurale per l'Analisi di Tessitura, Congresso AICA, 1992
  • Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Raffo, L. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Model of Cortical Cells Characterized by Gabor-like Receptive Fields-Application to Texture Segmentation, Artificial Neural Networks 2, 2: 917-920, 1992
  • Raffo, L. and Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Sabatini, S.P. A Neural Architectural Model of Simple and Complex Cortical Cells, EMBS Congress, 1992
  • Raffo, L. and Bisio, G.M. and Caviglia, D.D. and Indiveri, G. and Sabatini, S.P. A Multi-layers Analog VLSI Architecture for Texture Analysis Isomorphic to Cortical Cells in Mammalian Visual System, Proc. Int. Workshop on VLSI for AI and NN, 1992