My name is Chang Gao (高唱), and I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Microelectronics, TU Delft, Netherland from August 2022.
I joined INI in 2017 as a Ph.D. student and started my postdoc in Jan 2022. My advisors are Prof. Dr. Shih-Chii Liu and Prof. Dr. Tobi Delbruck. My Ph.D. thesis was on designing energy-efficient accelerators of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for real-time inference.
Major Works during my Ph.D.:
- The DeltaRNN accelerator (FPGA 2018)
- A spoken digit recognition system using DeltaRNN and the spiking cochlea (ISCAS 2019)
- The EdgeDRNN accelerator (AICAS 2020 & IEEE JETCAS, Best Paper Award)
- A real-time end-to-end robotic control system using EdgeDRNN (ICRA 2020)
- An ultra-low-power real-time keyword spotting chip (ISSCC 2022)
- The Spartus accelerator (IEEE TNNLS)