Karla Burelo

PhD Student -- ended Mar 2022
Work phone:
After completing my bachelor's in Chemical Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), I decided to pursue a Master's Degree in a field I had always been passionate about, Neuroscience.
I came to Zurich to do the INI master program 'Neural Systems and Computation', where I could expand my knowledge in neurobiology, theoretical neuroscience, and neuromorphic engineering.
I am currently working on designing Spiking Neural Networks that can be implemented in sub-threshold VLSI circuits for biomedical signal processing.
I am interested in the design, simulation, and validation of SNNs to better understand how biological systems process any kind of input and be able to offer a low power, real-time and online solution for clinical and commercial applications.


Giacomo Indiveri



  • Karla Burelo, Georgia Ramantani, Giacomo Indiveri and Johannes Sarnthein A Neuromorphic Spiking Neural Network Detects Epileptic High Frequency Oscillations in the Scalp EEG., Scientific Reports, 12:(1798), 2022 pdf



  • Mohammadali Sharifshazileh,Karla Burelo, Tommaso Fedele, Johannes Sarnthein and Giacomo Indiveri A Neuromorphic Device for Detecting High-Frequency Oscillations in Human iEEG, 2019
  • Mohammadali Sharifshazileh, Karla Burelo, Tommaso Fedele, Johannes Sarnthein, Giacomo Indiveri A Neuromorphic Device for Detecting High-Frequency Oscillations in Human iEEG, IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems, 2019 pdf