I am a PhD candidate in the group of Prof. Shih-Chii Liu. I research new methods and techniques for continual learning of tasks involving sequential modalities such as motion, vision, or audio.
My background in Biology (BSc ETH) and Neural Systems and Computation (MSc ETH and UZH), as well as substantial work experience as data scientist (resulting in several patents) help me come up with creative new approaches.
During my BSc and MSc studies I also took several opportunities to work in fantastic research institutes abroad: in 2012, as part of the HHMI Janelia Summer School VA, USA I worked on CATMAID for (full) brain connectomes; in 2015, as part of a semester project on drone-based surface classification, in the group of Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber at IDSIA, TI; and in 2016 on my master thesis (supervised by Prof. Shih-Chii Liu and in collaboration with Prof. Yoshua Bengio) on quantized neural networks at MILA of UdeM Montreal, Canada.