Joerg Rychen
Scientific Staff
Work phone:
+41 79 419 51 70
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I studied physics at ETH Zürich and for my PhD I built a scanning probe microscope to investigate the quantum hall effect. In 2001 I founded a company providing control systems for surface science experiments and gained my experience in management and business. After selling the company in 2008, I joined the Institute of Neuroinformatics to work on experimental setups in the group of Richard Hahnloser. As an experimentalist my profession is to create data acquisition and control systems which involves mechanical, electronic and software engineering. I am an expert for control systems based on LabVIEW and specialized in real-time signal processing on FPGAs.
I built systems for acoustic experiments with songbirds, to record their behavior and vocal communication. I am interested in bioacoustics in general and recently started a project to record and analyze the vocal communication of wild orcas.
Richard Hahnloser
Main Projects
The Neural Mechanisms of Birdsong Production and Learning
SCHUCKER, Stefan and RYCHEN, Jörg
3D audio recording of complex underwater sound fields
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings
7653-7662, 2024
Jörg Rychen, Alexander Eckerle, Xintong Liu, and Stefan Schucker
Underwater sounds, including killer whale and humpback whale vocalizations, recorded in northern Norway in January 2023
, 2023
Jörg Rychen, Patrick Paitz, Pascal Edme, Krystyna Smolinski, Joeri Brackenhoff, Andreas Fichtner
Test experiments with distributed acoustic sensing and hydrophone arrays for locating underwater sound sources
, 2023
Rychen, Jörg and Semoroz, Julie and Eckerle, Alexander and Hahnloser, Richard HR and Kleinberger, Rébecca
Full-duplex acoustic interaction system for cognitive experiments
with cetaceans
Interaction Studies
66-86, 2023
Jörg Rychen, Julie Semoroz, Alexander Eckerle, Richard H.R. Hahnloser, Rébecca Kleinberger
Full-duplex acoustic interaction system for cognitive experiments with cetaceans
, 2022
L. Rüttimann, J. Rychen, T. Tomka, H. Hörster, M. D. Rocha, R.H.R. Hahnloser
Multimodal system for recording individual-level behaviors in songbird groups
, 2022
J. Rychen, D.I. Rodrigues, T. Tomka, L. Rüttimann, H. Yamahachi and R.H.R. Hahnloser
A system for controlling vocal communication networks.
Scientific Reports
, 11:(1) 15, 2021
Rychen, J. and Rodrigues, D. I. and Tomka, T. and Rüttimann, L. and Yamahachi, H. and Hahnloser, R. H. R.
A system for controlling vocal communication networks
Scientific Reports
, 2021
Narula G., Herbst J.A., Rychen J., Hahnloser R.H.R
Learning auditory discriminations from observation is efficient but less robust than learning from experience
Nature Communications
, 9:, 2018