Tansel Baran Yasar

Work phone:
I have obtained my A.B. degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 2016, double-majoring in Physics and Biology (Neuroscience track). I finished my M.Sc. studies in 2017 at the Neural Systems and Computation program of the Institute of Neuroinformatics, UZH & ETH. Since the end of 2017, I have been pursuing my Ph.D. in the Neurotechnology Group under the supervision of Prof. Mehmet Fatih Yanik.

My research interests are centered around the development of less invasive and high-stability techniques for the readout of brain activity. During my Ph.D., I have specifically focused on the development and characterization of novel ultra-flexible electrode arrays to achieve high-density in vivo recordings of single-unit activity from multiple brain areas in a scalable manner, where the recording sites are distributed in a 3-dimensional arrangement.

Aside from my research work, singing (particularly in vocal ensembles) is another passion of mine. I am currently singing in the bass section of the a cappella group, The Threads.


Mehmet Fatih Yanik
