Color vision in vanilla CMOS
My first project was the design of an Analog ASIC doing
color vision without the need for any special fabrication
process. It uses two different types of photodiodes that
also have different spectral response to gather not only
brightness but also spectral information. As only two types
of color sensitife structures are used, it can only tell
apart short and long wavelengths, but not full RGB imaging.
A stand-alone AER communication system
The main goal of my second project is to build a portable, stand-alone AER system, that can be easily interfaced to lots of AER components and to workstations or laptops, independent of their operating system.
This AER system should combine both the current PCI-AER board functionality, and the USB2-AER boards functionalities.
My INI Postal Address:
Daniel B. Fasnacht
Institut für Neuroinformatik
ETH Zürich, Y55 G 85
Winterthurerstrasse 190
8057 Zürich