CCNW Application 2025

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The EU FETPROACT Coordination and Support Action project NEUROTECH offers 10 fellowships to support scholars attending the CapoCaccia 2020 Cognitive Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop  (Apr 27 - May 10 2020).

The CapoCaccia Workshop is a hands-on workshop, a discussion forum, and an educational event, in which we bring together experts in neuroscience, neuromorphic engineering, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and robotics to discuss the open problems in these fields and to work on new ideas and solutions.

The NEUROTECH CSA will support participation in the workshop with a fellowship of up to a maximum of 1.400 Euro. 

Eligible applicants are MSc and PhD students as well as Post-Doctoral scholars. Priority will be given to applicants that have already had experience with systems/computational neuroscience and/or neuromorphic engineering and/or robotics, and that can best benefit from the fellowship for promoting their research and career.

To apply for a fellowship, please fill-in the form:

You will be asked to answer the following questions: 

  • What is your interest in attending the workshop?
  • What can you offer to the workshop?
  • Which specific project(s) will you participate in? What projects will you bring to the workshop?
  • Describe your current research aims and methods.

Based on these answers (500 characters each, max.), we will make a selection decision. 

Application deadline is December 6, 2019. The selection committee’s decision will be announced by December 15, 2019, before registration to the workshop will be open. 

Fellowship recipients are required to submit a report about their experience during the workshop, in particular about results of hands-on projects and/or discussion groups they took part in. Fellowship holders and their reports will be featured on the NEUROTECH web portal. We expect the fellowship recipients to acknowledge both the workshop and the NEUROTECH CSA in publications and talks that will hopefully arise from the ideas and work, developed during the workshop.